Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pioneer Square

On Veteran's day, I went back to Pioneer Square to hand out gospel tracts.  It was a typical cold, rainy Northwest November day.  Didn't see anyone I knew, but right after I got there,  an older lady came up & said,   "Do you know Jesus?"   I told her that was the very thing I was there for ---> to talk to people about Jesus. I asked her if she had tracts, and she said no; that she had forgotten to bring some.  So I gave her half of mine.  I know it was  God's timing that I was the first person she approached;  so that she would be well stocked with tracts to hand out.

After that, the next person I approached said  "Yes"  he was saved, and that he was at the Square with 50 people from his church to witness and evangelize around the Square! Apparently, "Horizon Fellowship" (which is located down in San Diego, Ca.), had decided to spend 3 weeks up here evangelizing at Portland State University & the Square & other Portland sites.

I then met the pastor of Horizon Fellowship, Mike MacIntosh, who had actually spoken at my church (Crossroads Community Church) years ago.  He's got an amazing  testimony.  He was a self-described beach bum who had dropped too much acid and "permanently" fried his brain back in the late 60's.  After being institutionalized for 17 months w/paranoid schizophrenia,  some pastors laid hands on him and prayed, &  he felt a sensation like electricity  go through his brain "connecting the dots".  His mind was healed  & he then went on to get  multiple college degrees & became a pastor. His story is told in the book, "For The Love Of Mike".  I read the book many years ago, and it was fun meeting Mike in person. Here is a link to his 10 minute video testimony:

Myself & Mike MacIntosh at Pioneer Square