Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back Again to Camas...

Today, (Saturday) I went back to Camas with Irma. It was interesting because we first worked a well-to-do area of town, & then went to a poorer side of town. It was perfect weather, with a blue sky, and 75 degrees.

Prune Hill is absolutely beautiful.  Expensive homes overlooking breathtaking backyard viewpoints.  We first did a cul-de-sac of about ten homes on NW 25th Circle.   Most weren't home, but we did talk with an elderly lady & her adult son.  He apparently was an agnostic, and wasn't interested at all in talking. But the lady seemed happy to see us. She said she was Catholic & seemed to be a believer,  & accepted the tract. She said her son's name was Dan.   We told her we would keep him in prayer for salvation.

Another home was answered by a young lady about college age, who accepted the tract, but then went on to explain she was Jewish & that they attended a synagogue in Beaverton.  Irma started talking with her about the Jewish scriptures (old testament).  Then after a few minutes, her father came to the door and politely ended the conversation.   We didn't get the young lady's name, but were happy she accepted the tract, because practicing Jews are not inclined to accept Christian literature. 

Next we went to Adams street off of 14th Ave.  We didn't have any extended conversations, but handed out another 15 or so tracts. One man was painting his fence with his two young sons. He was definately Christian and had three crosses in the window. He was happy we were doing the area, as he said the JW's and Mormans are the only ones he sees doing door to door. 

Right on cue,  we spotted 2 Mormons up the street walking. (After we got back to the car we tried to find them to give a tract, but lost sight of them.)  Across the street, we talked with several occupants of a four-plex. One family was new to the area, and had tried several churches, but hadn't felt welcomed.  We encouraged them to keep trying.  They took a tract.  All the tracts we passed out had Crossroads church contact info on the back.   So it would be exciting to see if there is any fruit from our efforts (in new families from Camas coming to Crossroads)

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